Sunday, August 8, 2010


The stress of work and life often finds many of us in the job market looking for a work-life balance. How do we manage the duties of work and family? I invite you to comment on this blog post to suggest tips you use to have balance.

Here are a few I use or those given to me to post for Naturalist N-Stnc readers:

B- be yourself to alleviate added stress to your day; bless someone by being a blessings of inspiration
A- allow yourself some "me" time; allow others to help with workloads & lifeloads; remember angels
L- live, work, play is motto of balance, learn to work smart n not hard, love self n others, lean on others
A- ask for assistance, don't be "anal", admire someone smarter than u, don't allow anger to control u
N- never give-up on your goals, know that we all need balance, "N"eal b/f God 4 guidance
C- care, cooperation, compassion, contentment, chillin, children, checking acct., a few C's of balance
E- easy going, eager to learn, energetic, earnings, equality, no ego "trip", avoid evil; E's of balance