Saturday, September 13, 2008

Natural Energy

Natural Energy is the created energy from ourselves to "get-up", "get-motivated", and "get-started" on our daily journey! How's your Natural Energy?

Do you feel like your natural energy needs a boost? When was the last time you tapped into your Natural N-Stnc to create natural energy for yourself and others? Would you like to play a game with me? If so, let's THINK FUN to find an innovative way to release the natural energy you possess. Answer the questions to discover a relaxation technique that can help release natural energy of positive mood changes and relieve stress, which can restore natural energy levels.

1. What pay does to an employees behavior _ot_ _a_e (use first letter)

2. S_ _ _ , a person's total self (use third letter)

3. Utterance, Conversation, Dialect, _ _ ee_h (use first letter)

4. The ninth letter of the alphabet is _ (use this letter)

5. Oh, say, can you _ _ _, by the dawn's early light... (use alphabet letter for the missing word)

6. In the Bible, _ _ _ _ _was used as a great healer. A Hint: David played the harp to help ease his severe depression of King Saul. (the answer)

Possible five letter answers: mayor, maze, music, medic, mercy, metic, mesic

Did you figure out the answer? If so, leave a comment on the blogger with your answer. Here are some buzz words to help you to Think about natural energy boosters: Love, Exercise, Diet, Socializing, Laughter, Mediation, Prayer, Rest, Water, Massage, Forgiveness, & Recreation

Click to experience the "energy"--

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